Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WOMEN 101 by Jane Scharf

I don't profess to speak for all woman but I would say a good majority would agree with the information I am providing here for those males out there who want to understand how to relate effectively to a woman.

The basic needs of men and women are pretty much the same but somehow people in our society have been socialized in such a way that how we relate between the sexes is very dysfunctional resulting in neither the men nor women being happy about the usual outcome especially when it comes to interacting in the area of sex.

First of all men are socialized to get as much sex as they possibly can. They are told in many ways that the more sex they get the greater man they are. Women on the other hand are taught not to have any sex unless they are married or at the very least if they are outside of marriage there must be love and if so the woman takes responsibility for the birth control. And of course the woman has the potential consequence of becoming pregnant if she does not heed the warnings.

This sets up the on going and seemingly lifelong battle of the sexes. Men intent on one thing getting the coveted prize i.e. an opportunity for sex normally pursued aggressively. The prize is typically offered submissively by the woman which in my view greatly reduces its quality for both the man and woman. As well this diminished experience leaves both the man and woman basically unsatisfied. The result of the general disatisfaction for men is to continue the hunt for other women. And for the woman it leaves them more reluctant to have sex next time.

The solution for this is simple but if one is on this treadmill now it will take a conscious effort to change the routine. For the man let the woman know you are attracted to her and why. Let her know that you would like to have sex with her. Then give her plenty of opportunity to respond. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY WHEN SHE STARTS TO RESPOND DONT POUNCE WAIT UNTIL SHE OPENS UP AND RESPONDS IN FULL. THIS WILL NOT TAKE LONG IF SHE IS NOT PUSHED AND CAJOLED. This process will unlock her passion and it will result in greatly enhancing the sexual response for both the man and woman.

Then there is one more ingredient. The man and the woman at this point when passion is aroused need to attend to what the other wants in terms of stimulation and pleasure. Dont do to the other person what you think men like or woman like FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER WANTS.  For example men see on porm movies that woman actresses like to have their clitoris rubbed intensely. The man is excited by this activity and believes this is what the woman wants. ALMOST NO WOMAN REALLY LIKE THIS IN FACT THIS IS A DEAD TURN OFF BECAUSE IT IS UNPLEASANT AND CREATES TENSION BECAUSE THIS ORGAN IS VERY SENSITIVE. A better approach for the man to start with indirect contact around the clit area which is also sensitive but not so sensitive and ask for feedback as you begin to touch the clitorious directly. The intensity of the contact can increase greatly after arousal mounts so find out how to do it without turning off the woman for god sakes. JUST LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING AND LISTEN TO WHAT SHE SAYS. Not exactly brain surgery but there a huge number of men who don't get this simple process.

And also watch how the woman's body responds and listen to what she tells you.

I promise you if you go here with a woman your experience will be 100 times more pleasurable and gratifying.

And sex like this is likely to be repeated many times.

For the woman to break the cycle of bad sex she must NEVER HAVE SEX if she does not want to and she should not allow any sexual activity that she does not like. If the man is offended because he thinks she is less of a woman because she is unlike the prom stars that he sees giving a performance that they like their clits rubbed intensely and orgasm a multitude of times or squirt CUT HIM LOOSE because he is a huge jerk. This dysfunctional individual is not capable of or willing to learn to give real pleasure to a woman and therefore is not capable of finding real sexual gratification for himself so he will continue to disrespect and exploit women.